Food Poisoning? When we hear the scary words "food poisoning," we usually think of a sudden illness caused by eating a "bad" microorganism in a single contaminated food. Dr. John McDougall shows that common chronic illnesses are also caused by eating "bad" food--much of it regularly served at our dinner tables. Our food is literally poisoning... Blog
Can a Starch-Smart® diet improve school performance?As parents, we want to ensure that our children are performing up to their potential. Making sure they eat a nutrient-rich diet packed full of fruits and vegetables is one way to improve our children's IQ scores as well as improve their attention spans. A study published in the...
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after Hippocrates, outlines medical ethics for doctors and is still used today. Part of...
Do you suffer from lower back pain? If so, you're not alone. Low back pain is the second leading cause of disability in Westernized countries with a lifetime prevalence of 84%. Chronic low back pain afflicts 1 in every 5 people and 1 in 10 experiences disabling back pain. Although there are multiple factors which...
An alarming trend is taking place in the United States today that's affecting the health and wellbeing of our children. The rate at which our children are going through puberty has increased significantly between 1997 and 2010. Before the 20th century, the average age of puberty in girls was 16 or 17. The age of menarche...
Kidney stones affect approximately 1 in 11 people in the United States, although only 1 in 20 were affected 20 years ago. The incidence of kidney stones has been rising steadily after World War II and affects more men than women. Anyone who has passed a stone knows how painful it can be. Typically, those...
Psychological studies show that men from Western cultures associate consuming meat with masculinity, virility, high testosterone levels/libido, power and physical strength. The belief that meat is a superior masculine food permeates most gyms, athletic events and bodybuilding websites. Yet despite the growing evidence supporting plant-based nutrition and how it enhances athletic performance, shortens recovery time, boosts...
Sushi lovers could be eating more than just raw seafood. Animal products, especially poultry and fish are loaded with fecal bacteria. This poses several potential hazards for consumers, including food poisoning. According to Dr. Michael Greger, the 24 or 48-hour stomach bug isn't actually the "stomach flu" but most likely food poisoning. Researchers found that in...
For most people, discussing bowel function can be almost as painful as being constipated! Although it is an embarrassing topic for many, most people are concerned whether or not their bowel habits are normal. If you're curious about this topic, you've come to the right place. We address the most frequently asked questions and will...
Commercials promoting testosterone therapy for men are becoming increasingly popular. These commercials target men who are experiencing symptoms of muscle loss, fatigue, weight gain, depression, difficulty concentrating, low libido, elevated lipid levels and the inability to respond during sexual activity. Without a doubt, strength, aggression, virility, passion, and a competitive attitude are highly desirable traits for...
As a parent, you make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your children. Yet when it comes to dietary choices, are you making the...
Gout - the "Disease of Kings" - The incidence of gout has risen considerably in the last 40 years, affecting millions of men and women in the U.S. Gout is a type of painful inflammatory arthritis which is often referred to as the "disease of kings" because it was seen long ago in affluent classes such as...