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Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes

Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes

This is a very powerful ten-minute video clip featuring Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He discusses how our dietary choices can either "turn on" or "turn off" cancer cell growth. Dr. Campbell's groundbreaking discovery came when he explored the relationship between nutrition and cancer while conducting a study in the 1980's in rural China called the China Project. Dr. Campbell's findings were published in his book, The China Study.

As Dr. Campbell explains, cancer development, or any other disease may begin with a genetic component. However, these "cancer genes" can be influenced by an outside stimulus. Dr. Campbell's China Project observed and identified the essential element which turned on and turned off cancer growth. The element which was found to initiate cancer gene expression was protein from animal sources, especially the protein (casein) from cow's milk.

Dr. Campbell demonstrates how our genes are the "starting place" for promoting either good or bad health. He goes on to explain how nutrition "controls how genes behave." The China Project noted that animal-based protein stimulated cancer genes, whereas plant-based protein did not. In fact, Dr. Campbell's study concluded that "Casein (the protein in milk) is the most relevant chemical carcinogen" that has ever been identified. The results of this study add to the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence in favor of a whole-food, plant-based diet.

For more information, see:

(1) Colin Campbell Explains Cancer Growth

(2) Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

(3) Dairy Promotes Prostate Cancer

(4) Blogs and articles on cancer

(5) Dr. Carney's Cancer Pinterest Board

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Preview the "Cancer Prevention & Women's Health" Trailer

Survive and Thrive: Which common (but seemingly unrelated) factors link many health problems together, including cancer and other women's health issues? Is cancer preventable? This DVD shows you which disease risks are worsened by excess estrogen, which you create in your body by choices in foods and beverages. Banish multiple health problems with the Starch-Smart® System.

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While Prof T. Colin Campbell's rat studies are well doucmneted in his work "The China Study" I think these studies were all conducted prior to the China Study being funded. He took up a WHO position in Malaysia early in his career — back in the day when the was a wide spread belief that Western people were stronger, taller etc than easterners due to the larger protein intact of protein in the West. One of the two main protein sources was peanuts (a pretty poor food stuff in general) and he wanted to learn more about the aflatoxin toxins that commonly got deposited on peanuts due to them being rather good hosts for mould (being an underground legume). That led him to a paper documenting a study conducted in India of cancer in predisposed rats being effected by animal protein. Campbell and his colleagues took that work much further with a whole series of trials where they determined at what levels of casein intake they could switch these cancers on and off. Even advanced cancers could be reversed to remission by reducing the animal protein intake to less than 5% by calorie.
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where are scintific results supporting this? One more statistical study?!

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One great book to read looking for scientific studies related to cancer and animal proteins turning on cancer genes is the book, The China study.

Sean Carney
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