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July 17, 2014 Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods Market

Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods Market

Dr. Carney will be lecturing to a select group of individual participants in an Engine 2 Diet 28 day challenge on Thursday July 17th, 2014 in South Austin, Arbor Trails, Whole Foods Market. Last week they had Rip Esselstyn speaking to them. Rip, of course, will be a hard act to follow! We are indebted to Rip Esselstyn for hiring Dr. Carney to be the Medical Director for seven of his Engine 2 Immersion programs for employees of Whole Foods Market. We learned so much there from Rip, his Dad, Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. MD, his Mom, His Sister, Jeff Novick, Michael Klaper MD, John Robbins, T. Colin Campbell, Pam Popper and others!

 Foods and Behavior Link

Dr. Carney will be presenting an abbreviated version of her well received "Why We Do What We Do" lecture. She will discuss the role of food processing in food addictions. This lecture, generally follows her Circulation Lecture and her Cancer/Estrogen Lecture. The lecture participants will also have an opportunity to fill in an "Ask the Doc" form to present questions for Dr. Carney. She can then answer some of those questions, keeping participants identity private, during her lecture. This Addictions Lecture has helped motivate many people to rise above their food addictions. The lights come on! Knowledge is definitely power in this case!

Dr. Carney May Invite Friends
While the lecture is specifically set up for the participants in the 28 day challenge we have also been told that Dr. Carney may invite "Friends" to attend. So, if you are a friend of Dr. Carney's living in the Austin, Texas area and would like to attend this lecture, you may!  We will be meeting in the back conference room at the Arbor Trails Whole Foods Market in South Austin.

Lecture details:

Topic: Why We Do What We Do

Date and Time: Thursday Evening July 17th at 6:30 PM

Location: Whole Foods Market in South Austin, Arbor Trails store:
4301 W. William Cannon Dr. Austin, TX 78749

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August 23, 2014 - Austin Central Adventist Church
May 24, 2014 - Kyle, Texas

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