DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community

Mar 31 - Apr 2, 2017 Healthfest Presentations

Mar 31 - Apr 2, 2017 Healthfest Presentations

Dr. Carney is grateful for another invitation to speak at Healthfest, a popular Plant-based nutrition event organized by Ed and Amanda Smith of Get Healthy Marshall, Texas who recently have been prominently featured in the new documentary film: The Marshall Plan which is a MUST SEE video!  There are currently more than twenty listed speakers for Healthfest 2017, many of whom...

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  5027 Hits

Dr. Carney Speaking for PlantPure Summit 2016

Dr. Carney Speaking for PlantPure Summit 2016

Please Accept a Free Viewing of "Why We Do What We Do - Controlling Cravings" to Celebrate Dr. Carney Being Invited to Speak at PlantPure Summit 2016 Note: This free offer has been extended until the end of September because we did not want to compete for the video viewing audience of PlantPure Summit 2016....

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Athens Texas Mini Starch-Smart® Seminar by Dr. Carney

Athens Texas Mini Starch-Smart® Seminar by Dr. Carney

We know this invitation is not convenient for everybody but we wanted to let people living near Athens Texas know that Dr. Carney will be giving an abridged version of her Starch-Smart® Seminar this coming Saturday at 3:00 PM. She has been invited to give a Health Lecture at a Regional Prayer Conference in Athens,...

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Dr. Carney Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods

Dr. Carney Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods

Those of you who are close to Dr. Carney and her husband Sean know that they have been traveling almost every month and sometimes multiple times in a month lately with Dr. Carney giving lectures and her husband providing technical and other support. This is always rewarding but also sometimes exhausting. In the spring they...

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  5625 Hits

July 17, 2014 Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods Market

Lecture at South Austin Whole Foods Market Dr. Carney will be lecturing to a select group of individual participants in an Engine 2 Diet 28 day challenge on Thursday July 17th, 2014 in South Austin, Arbor Trails, Whole Foods Market. Last week they had Rip Esselstyn speaking to them. Rip, of course, will be a hard...

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  3712 Hits

Farms2Forks Weekend

Farms2Forks Weekend

Farms2Forks Weekend is a collaboration between Forks Over Knives and The Engine 2 Diet running weekend programs conducted in various locations where participants are treated to a crash course in plant based nutrition with live seminars and demonstrations from some of today's leading plant based speakers. This is a very intense program and Dr. Carney's...

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  3098 Hits

Acne, Athletics & Academics for Youth

Acne, Athletics & Academics for Youth

We have learned that when running programs for youth that seeing is always believing, or in this case; tasting is believing. For this reason we strive to present our signature desert for the youth which is banana, mango and berries (or some other frozen fruits) 'ice cream' made on-site with only freshly frozen fruits and...

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  14465 Hits

Cancer Survival Strategies

Cancer Survival Strategies

Perhaps no audience is more attentive than those who have been impacted by cancer. Dr. Carney shares stategies for boosting the immune system and teaches which foods, and other lifestyle choices, have been shown to boost immunity and shrink cancers. She also teaches from scientific studies regarding which foods, and other lifestyle choices, have been...

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  14739 Hits

How to Overcome Addictions

Help for Overcoming Addictions Help for Overcoming Addictions

In the lectures on Understanding and Overcoming Addictions Dr. Carney explains the Cycle of Addiction and why it is that some of us become addicted to various substances, or behaviors. None of us would consciously decide to become addicted to a hurtful substance or behavior. Instead there is a perceived benefit which leads people to...

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  15188 Hits

Women's Health

Promoting Health in Hawaii Promoting Health in Hawaii

Dr. Carney particularly enjoys speaking to women about all aspects of their Health. She developed a seminar on Womens Health from pregnancy to the end of life. Our entire life is effected by lifestyle decisions starting with decisions of an expectant mother that impact not only herself but also the ongoing health of her unborn...

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