What Causes Leaky Gut?
The origin of many serious health conditions including autoimmune disease can be traced back to a condition called increased intestinal permeability, or better known as "leaky gut syndrome." You may be thinking, "How can my gut possibly be related to... -
De-Stress the Holidays Using Diet!
Diet , Dr. Greger explains that unlike animal products, plants have no arachidonic acid, a substance that produces inflammatory compounds. These compounds have been postulated to inflame our brain, contributing... -
ED is a Warning Sign of Clogged Arteries
Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often referred to as " the canary in the coal mine ?" This expression originates from the time when coal miners would carry caged canaries into the mine to detect carbon monoxide or other poisonous gas... -
Diet can Alleviate Depression and PMS Symptoms
Plant-Based Diets Can Alleviate Depression Eating a diet based on whole plant foods has been shown to alleviate depression in many patients. Not surprisingly, women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) who experience moodiness can see improvements with... -
RE: Weight loss
put you into the weight gain zone. But, we would NOT recommend the last few items on the list because they are also inflammatory. I hope that the PDF will be helpful. It will show that beans, grains, pasta, root vegetables will probably be good choices... -
RE: Olive oil and inflammation
the olive lobbying group tries to promote a reductionist mentality highlighting one component of olive oil, the anti-inflammatory oleocanthal, but negates the saturated fat component that is so dangerous to our health and in particular our vascular... -
Is the Ancient Daniel Fast Scientifically Sound?
The Biblical figure Daniel is possibly best known for spending time in a den of lions, but these days he's almost as well known for his dinner plate. Many people choose to emulate Daniel's abstemious eating style for a short duration for either health... -
Grilled Meats Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Each year, diabetes remains near the top of the list of America's most serious health problems. More than 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes type 2 annually and this metabolic disorder kills more people in the United States every year... -
How to Respond to Holiday Food Bullies
Our Food Choices Spark the Curiosity of Others. Feasting on foods that are heavily processed and high in animal products, fat, calories, salt, sugar and oils while deficient in nutrients tends to play a central role in social gatherings and celebratory... -
Callie's Cancer Part 3
Obviously, a blog about a house cat is hardly appropriate for a site dedicated to human health, but I feel that Callie's story is indeed significant to the human side of cancer. This post is Part 3 of Callie's Cancer blog that was posted on Monday, 22... -
Win the War on Coffee Addiction
Coffee, Java, Espresso, Mocha, Frappuccino, Cafe Latte.... These names of coffee no doubt produce a pleasing aroma to many. Coffee's ability to enhance mood, physical activity, and mental performance makes it a widely consumed beverage. Many popular... -
Cancer Simplified
Sometimes In life, the most epiphany level revelations are simply a matter of connecting the dots of knowledge you already have. This blog is to share the education learned from our experience with Callie's Cancer . As with most subjects, after... -
Three Diseases Linked to Milk Consumption
Milk is one of the most popular drinks of choice among Americans. In fact, the average American consumed about 20.4 gallons of milk in 2010. Unfortunately, cow's milk is not well designed for humans; in reality, it is baby calf growth fluid intended to... -
High-fiber Diets Best for Avoiding Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis, is one of the leading causes of disability among adults in the United States. It is the most common joint disorder in the United States, with about 31 million adults estimated to be suffering from Osteoarthritis,... -
Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?
Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would... -
Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS, FACLM
"Most disease promoting genes do NOT determine disease risk. It is the choices we make consciously or unconsciously that largely determine our future health," says Wes Youngberg, DrPH. In a twist on Shakespeare, he continues , "'Our fate, dear Brutus,... -
The Scoop on Poop
For most people, discussing bowel function can be almost as painful as being constipated! Although it is an embarrassing topic for many, most people are concerned whether or not their bowel habits are normal. If you're curious about this topic, you've... -
Cruciferous Vegetables Protect Against Cancer
Studies have shown that those who consume diets rich in vegetables significantly reduce their likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer . Although all vegetables offer powerful protection against cancer, cruciferous vegetables in particular contain the... -
Using Diet to Prevent Colon Polyps
Colon cancer, is the second most deadly cancer. Approximately 180,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States and Europe. Dr. John McDougall says that colon cancer "is a disease primarily of people consuming a diet high in meats... -
Hope for Multiple Sclerosis
This embedded video discusses a previous study with 5,000 people conducted over 16 years showing they could reduce MS by 95%. Basically he states that if a person went on the low-fat diet they had less than a 5% chance of their MS getting worse over a...