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Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Foods That Fight Pain

Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Many foods can help to reduce pain through a variety of mechanisms.

Drawing on new and little-known research from prestigious medical centers around the world, Neal Barnard, M.D., author of Eat Right, Live Longer and Food for Life, shows readers how they can soothe everyday ailments and cure chronic pain by using common foods, traditional supplements, and herbs.

Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Many foods can help to reduce pain through a variety of mechanisms.

Drawing on new and little-known research from prestigious medical centers around the world, Neal Barnard, M.D., author of Eat Right, Live Longer and Food for Life, shows readers how they can soothe everyday ailments and cure chronic pain by using common foods, traditional supplements, and herbs.

Dr. Barnard reveals which foods regularly contribute to pain and how to avoid them.

He guides the reader to specific pain-safe foods that are high in nutrition but don't upset the body's natural balance, as well as foods that actively soothe pain by improving blood circulation, relieving inflammation, and balancing hormones. 

Complete with delicious recipes, Foods That Fight Pain is a revolutionary approach to healing that will transform your life.


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