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Forks Over Knives - The Cookbook: Over 300 Recipes for Plant-Based Eating All Through the Year

Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook

Over 300 Recipes for Plant-Based Eating All Through the Year

A whole-foods, plant-based diet has never been easier or tastier—300 brand-new recipes for cooking the Forks Over Knives way, every day!

Forks Over Knives—the book, the film, the movement—is back again in a cookbook. The secret is out: If you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and prevent (or even reverse!) chronic conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, the right food is your best medicine. Thousands of people have cut out meat, dairy, and oils and seen amazing results. If you're among them—or you'd like to be—you need this cookbook.

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  4717 Hits

Linda Carney MD Interview by Lee Fulkerson Director of Forks Over Knives for PlantPure Summit

Dr. Carney was privileged to be interviewed by Lee Fulkerson, director of Forks Over Knives, during PlantPure Summit 2016. She was one of many excellent speakers. Her interview is embedded below: 

To watch the video interviews of the other presenters check out the Pl...

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  27009 Hits

Take the New Year Health Challenge!

Take the New Year Health Challenge!

Happy New Year! The holiday season is always a joyous time of year, especially when family and friends fill our homes to celebrate! And of course no holiday festivity would be complete without the many hours of preparing and sharing a delicious meal, making the event even more memorable. Celebratory meals typically include many rich,...

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  9623 Hits

Enjoying the Holidays With Friends and Family

Enjoying the Holidays With Friends and Family

Rip Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet and My Beef With Meat, wrote an excellent article for Forks Over Knives on how to enjoy the holiday season when visiting friends and family who do not eat a Plant-Strong diet. Rip writes, "Visiting friends and family who are not plant-strong can be very tricky and requires a delicate...

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  4995 Hits

Forks Over Knives Livestream Q&A

Forks Over Knives Livestream Q&A

If you have watched the impressive Forks Over Knives documentary, then you are familiar with Dr. Matthew Lederman, one of the many plant-based doctors featured in this film. In the live-stream Q&A video below, Doctors Matthew Lederman and Alona Pulde answer viewer's questions regarding plant-based nutrition. Topics in this one-hour presentation include: protein requirements, complete...

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  15740 Hits

Filmmakers Discuss Forks Over Knives

Filmmakers Discuss Forks Over Knives

We hope our recent blog on the Forks Over Knives documentary will encourage you and your family to watch the documentary together. The above five minute video gives a brief overview of why the film was made and the background of the scientists and doctors that were featured in the film.  It's never too late...

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  7732 Hits

Forks Over Knives Documentary May Save Your Life

Forks Over Knives Documentary May Save Your Life

Despite new advances in medical technology, and U.S. healthcare costs exceeding that of other countries, Americans are sicker than ever before. It's estimated that 80% of adults are overweight, and more than 70% of office visits involve prescription drug therapy.

Tens of thousands of patients die every year due to unintentional drug overdose, drug interactions, or from the side effects from these drugs. The majority of today's office visits reflect lifestyle driven diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Tragically, these degenerative diseases are the leading cause of death, yet can largely be prevented through dietary excellence. 

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  12999 Hits

Kelly Binkoski's Story - Cancer Free Without Chemo

Kelly Binkoski's Story - Cancer Free Without Chemo

Kelly Binkoski was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January of 2012. Her surgeon scheduled her for surgery with an aggressive chemo and radiation plan following surgery. She and her husband inadvertently watched Forks Over Knives two days before her surgery, and their lives were forever changed. The documentary introduced her to the work of Dr....

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  20258 Hits

Latest Study! Breaking News! Proven Safe!

Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News? Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News?

We live in an era where the latest breaking news is accessible at the touch of a screen, click of a mouse, or pushing a button on a remote. News is everywhere, isn't it great? Never before, have we had such an influx of information available to us from so many sources. This information can...

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  4888 Hits

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Lisa Silvius and her husband desperately tried to conceive a child for many years, yet she had not had a monthly cycle in ten years, and no doctor was able to figure out why. Lisa and her husband conceived their first two children through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).  Lisa states that it was "emotionally, mentally,...

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  17889 Hits

Staying Plant-Strong on the Road!

Staying Plant-Strong on the Road!

Traveling while eating a whole-food, plant-based diet can be challenging at first, but once we learn a few basic principles, it becomes much easier. In the Forks Over Knives article "Plant-Strong on the Road!" Rip Esselstyn shows us how to plan ahead and offers important tips to keep in mind when hitting the road! If...

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