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Beans, Beans the Magical "Cholesterol Pill"?

Beans, Beans the Magical "Cholesterol Pill"?

Beans are an important part of a Starch-Smart® diet. Their rich fiber content helps to fill us up, keeping us fueled and satisfied until the next meal. Now, we can add heart health to the growing list of bean benefits. Scientific studies prove that a daily serving of beans can lower our LDL and total cholesterol levels. In Dr. Michael Greger's video below, he shares research showing that eating half a cup of cooked pinto beans a day for two months can drop total cholesterol by 20 points.

Another study reveals that navy beans have the same effect. Half a cup of vegetarian baked beans a day for two weeks was shown to reduce the total cholesterol in patients with very high blood cholesterol levels. Beans, greens, squash, and yams are the foundation of a diet that supports optimal health. Whether we've already developed high cholesterol or we want to avoid it, these foods offer our best plan for keeping and restoring health and vitality. Do you have a favorite way to add the health benefits of beans to your diet? Leave your comments in the space below.

Video Credit: Beans, Beans, Good for Your Heart - NutritionFacts.org

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Blood Flow Boosts Vitality: Do factors that affect artery linings create or ease your aches and pains? Explore the link between impaired circulation and health challenges. How does blood flow relate to health troubles? Learn how Dr. Carney's science-based Starch-Smart® System can improve your circulation and overall health by nourishing endothelial cells at the start of your day.

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