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Which Two Tools Make Success Easier?

Which Two Tools Make Success Easier?

A question posted to our Starch-Smart System Discussion Forum prompted us to write a topical article which has been on our minds to write for a long time. That question was "Too many restrictions? Can one be a vegan while also going gluten free, nightshade free, AND oil free?" and prompted a lengthly response. Once the response was written it seemed a small thing to modify the response into the article we have so long desired to write. The emphasis on gluten free and nightshade free is NOT in the article we wrote but it is addressed in the discussion forum response.  Overcoming the mental and emotional block that comes from feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start is addressed in the article and in the forum response. We are introducing two tools and one concept that make it easy to adopt lifestyle changes by learning to Surround Yourself With Food as the first step towards weight control and disease reversal. 

We have experienced that the hardest thing for most people under conviction that they need to change their diet is knowing where to start. We have developed a system we call the Starch-Smart® System and in this article are providing some simple tools which makes it very easy to stick with the program for the long haul. It has been a burning desire to share this system and these tools for a long time. Now we finally found the time to write a very practical article on how to get started using two tools and one concept. We guarantee this can work for you. If you try it and it does not work for you please let us know because you will be the first! That said, many people have tried a portion of the Starch-Smart System but not gone all the say. Those people often struggle due to the things they still find themselves unable to give up. But, if they do the program whole-heartedly something we like to refer to as Chemical Willpower occurs. The food is truly very powerful and success comes! Choose the program in the system that is right for you and please get back and report your results in our Starch-Smart Social Network

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