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Plant Food Programs Cancer Cell Death

Plant Food Programs Cancer Cell Death

Blood samples from various groups of people that ate different diets were dripped onto cancer cells growing in a petri dish. Photographs taken of the petri dishes of the various groups revealed impressive results for those eating a whole plant food diet. Actual cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) can be seen in as little as two weeks. The cancer-fighting properties continued to increase with time. After eating a vegan diet for one year, the blood "suppressed cancer cell growth nearly eight times better" than the blood from those eating a typical American diet. Those participants consuming a plant-based diet and included moderate exercise offered more defences against cancer cell growth than those who exercised strenuously and didn't change their diet. The cancer cells that were used for the test included breast, prostate, lung, and colon. See the dramatic results by reading "Whole Plant Food Diet Suppresses Cancer Cells."

You won't want to miss reading our article, "Whole Plant Food Diet Suppresses Cancer Cells." We've included three captivating videos by Dr. Michael Greger.

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