Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system where our body attacks our nerves. The most popular drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis cost over $55,000 a year, however it was found that these drugs have not been proven to prevent or delay long term disability and are largely ineffective.... Blog
A few years ago, a healthy eating index was created that measured the percentage of dietary calories that comes from phytochemicals in whole plant foods. According to the latest data representing the standard American diet, the typical American scores a woeful 12 out of 100. This means that 88% or more of the calories consumed...
Pink ribbons are everywhere, reminding us that October is Breast Cancer "Awareness" Month. Yet Dr. Joel Fuhrman wonders why we don't call it Breast Cancer "Prevention" Month instead. All women are concerned about avoiding breast cancer, but few are "aware" that diet should be the key element in the fight against breast cancer. A large...
Constipation and hemorrhoids are embarrassing topics to discuss, yet both are very common problems, especially for those who eat the rich Western diet. Dr. John McDougall speaks frankly about what causes hemorrhoids, how eating a starch-based diet prevents them and offers relief to those that already have them. You will enjoy Dr. McDougall's two minute video on this "moving" topic! To view Dr. McDougall's video on constipation, click here.
For more information read the article, "Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Varicose Veins" by John McDougall MD here or purchase his book, Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, with cancers of the colon, breast, prostate and lung being the most deadly. Advocates of a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet concur there is overwhelming evidence linking nutritional excellence with disease prevention, including cancer. In order to do this, we must consume a diet that nourishes...
Ten to fifteen percent of couples desiring to start a family discover that they are infertile. In about half of these cases, the husband is found to be the one infertile. Increasing the intake of saturated fat by just 5 percent was observed with a 38 percent lower sperm count in a recent Harvard Study....
A Russian scientist group published a database of the antioxidant content in over 1000 foods, including sprouted seeds grains, and legumes. Dr. Michael Greger shows us how the nutrient content changed dramatically after these foods were sprouted. One grain in particular increased its antioxidant content by 20 times after sprouting. After the seed, legume, or...
The below eleven-minute excerpt from the 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Expo features Dr. Michael Klaper's presentation on "Salt, Sugar and Oil: What's The Problem?" Dr. Klaper starts out by emphasizing that we should eat "food as grown," - as it is found in nature. He then jokes about how unhealthy restaurant food is, and that we should be...
Switching to a whole-food, plant-based diet not only improves our health and prevents disease; we are also changing the world for the better. What we choose to eat no longer has just a local impact on our environment, our choices are seen globally. Plant-based diets reduce pollution, combat world hunger, prevent animal suffering, and saves precious natural resources. Even some governmental agencies are speaking out much to the chagrin of the meat and dairy industries.
This is an excellent one hour presentation given by Dr. John McDougall. In this video, "Diet and Osteoporosis, The Broken Bone Business," Dr. McDougall disputes the major medical treatments for osteoporosis using solid scientific research. This video will explain what osteoporosis is, how dairy promotes it, and what the current medical system prescribes to treat it. Dr....
Studies have shown that plant-based diets can provide relief for migraine headache sufferers, in particular a low-fat plant-based diet. In fact foods trump supplements in providing relief. At the same time, foods can greatly contribute to migraine headaches. Animal products such as meat and cheese are known migraine trigger foods. If you suffer from reoccurring...
How we spend the last years of our lives depends largely on what choices we make before we reach middle age, especially during the first 10 years of our childhood while our cells are multiplying rapidly. Recent studies show that dietary and lifestyle choices increase telomerase activity that is associated with slowing down the aging...