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Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Lisa Silvius and her husband desperately tried to conceive a child for many years, yet she had not had a monthly cycle in ten years, and no doctor was able to figure out why. Lisa and her husband conceived their first two children through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).  Lisa states that it was "emotionally, mentally, and physically draining and painful."  Insurance didn't cover the costs, and they went through eight rounds of IVF, which caused them to go into debt for years.

Shortly after the birth of her son, she decided to take meat out of their diets, due to the use of antibiotics in animal production. Then after watching the Forks Over Knives documentary, she removed all dairy as well. To her surprise, her monthly cycles returned soon after removing the meat and dairy from their diets. After two cycles, she became pregnant with their third child without the use of IVF procedures. She and her husband are now enjoying their baby son, Leo Flynn, and give the credit to switching to a whole-food, plant-based diet. Lisa says that they rarely ever get sick, & they have noticed that they sleep better as well. 

Read Lisa's story, "Plant-Based Diet Helped Me Become Pregnant" here.

In my office I have seen this same scenario played out several times. Removing the animal products from the diet appears to increase fertility. Patients who have just become parents send us pictures of their 'miracle babies' for which we are grateful.  

For more information on infertility, see:

(1) How a Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

(2) Fish May Interfere With Male Fertility

(3) Male Fertility and Diet

(4) Why Did You Quit Eating Meat?

(5) Meat Hormones Linked to Infertility

(6) Walnuts and Male Fertility

Forks Over Knives Links

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