DrCarney.com Blog

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Does Insulin Make You Fat?

Does Insulin Make You Fat?

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Have you heard the one where the question is asked, "Do these clothes make me look fat?" And the reply is; "No... the fat makes you look fat." It is often promoted, by many doctors, nutritionists and other professionals that insulin is responsible for loading fat into our cells. For the past 29...

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Blood-Sugar Simplified

Blood-Sugar Simplified

Guest Blogger Contribution.
While the biological mechanisms of blood-sugar control are indeed complicated, the basics are quite simple: blood-sugar is an equilibrium between supply and consumption. Sugar, specifically glucose, is biology's primary fuel. The drawing above illustrates how blood-sugar is a simple balance between sugar intake and the "burning" of it as a fuel. Consuming foods...

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Nutrition, insulin, IGF-1, and cancer risk: a study of epidemiological evidence.

High serum concentrations and bioactivity of insulin and IGF-1 may promote the development and proliferation of cancerous cells.

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High carbohydrate, high fiber diets increase peripheral insulin sensitivity in healthy young and old adults

High carbohydrate, high fiber diets may increase peripheral insulin sensitivity and glucose assimilation in healthy adults.

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