DrCarney.com Blog

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High red and processed meat consumption is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance

Red and processed meat lovers are liable to suffer from insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Inverse association between soya food consumption and insulin resistance in Japanese adults

Creating more space for soy foods in our diet may enhance our body's cells sensitivity to insulin.

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Whole grain intake and insulin sensitivity: evidence from observational studies.

Frequent consumption of whole grains may help enhance insulin sensitivity in individuals.

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β-Cryptoxanthin and the risk for lifestyle-related disease: findings from recent nutritional epidemiologic studies.

​A diet high in β-cryptoxanthin may help ward off metabolic syndrome, liver dysfunction, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, low bone mass, and atherosclerosis.

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Fat, Not Sugar, Causes Type 2 Diabetes

How Insulin Works Diagram

Though the media and most health professionals promote the message that high sugar consumption is the cause of type 2 diabetes, this idea is not really true. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body cells become resistant to insulin, resulting in a rise in blood sugar. High blood sugar is a symptom of diabetes, not the cause of the di...

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Insulin Sync

Insulin Sync

Guest Blogger Contribution.
In a football game, a receiver must be in sync with the passed ball to catch it. In baseball, the batter's bat must be in sync with the pitched ball. In your car, you want the brakes to be in sync with the brake petal. All of the musicians in a symphony orchestra...

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Blood-Sugar Simplified

Blood-Sugar Simplified

Guest Blogger Contribution.
While the biological mechanisms of blood-sugar control are indeed complicated, the basics are quite simple: blood-sugar is an equilibrium between supply and consumption. Sugar, specifically glucose, is biology's primary fuel. The drawing above illustrates how blood-sugar is a simple balance between sugar intake and the "burning" of it as a fuel. Consuming foods...

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Epidemiological support for the protection of whole grains against diabetes.

Diets rich in whole grains and cereal fibers are associated with low type 2 diabetes risk in men and women.

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Mechanism of free fatty acid induced insulin resistance in humans.

The inhibitory action of free fatty acids on glucose transport, oxidation, and glycogen synthesis may be responsible for lipid-induced insulin resistance in humans.

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Obesity/insulin resistance is associated with endothelial dysfunction

Obesity and insulin resistance may promote the development of atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction.

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Fats, inflammation, and insulin resistance: insights to the role of macrophage and T-cell accumulation in adipose tissue.

High fat diets may promote the development insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes.

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Free fatty acids and skeletal muscle insulin resistance.

Free fatty acids are associated with insulin resistance and lipid accumulation in skeletal muscles.

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