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Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Do you consider yourself health conscious? Do you ever worry about getting enough nutrients? It seems common for the health conscious to seek out foods with the best and most nutrients. In the beginning of my Type-1 diabetes journey, I was completely clueless about nutrition. I knew of the words "protein" and "vitamins",...

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  3311 Hits

Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

Changing one's beliefs and eating habits can be a very difficult thing to do, especially living in a modern world where our culture believes "more is better." In order to thrive, we're told we need more protein, more fat, more vitamin supplements and more medical care. Likewise, consuming more rich foods in greater amounts is...

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  6968 Hits

Nutrition, insulin, IGF-1, and cancer risk: a study of epidemiological evidence.

High serum concentrations and bioactivity of insulin and IGF-1 may promote the development and proliferation of cancerous cells.

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South-of-the-Border Goodness!

South-of-the-Border Goodness!

Cooking with Nopales For those uninitiated to the delights of nopales (or nopalitos as they are sometimes called), the taste of nopales has been described as a tart green bean or as a cross between asparagus and green beans. They can be eaten raw in salads or salsa, but are often steamed or pan "fried"...

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  5258 Hits

Part V: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Cobalamin (Vitamin B-12) Structure

Many of us worry about things that never crossed the minds of our great grandparents. Am I eating enough protein? Do I need more calcium to strengthen my bones? Will my iron stores get low? How can I ensure enough omega-3 in my diet? The modern supplement industry benefits from these fears of "nonexistent deficiencies."...

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Part IV: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements

It's amazing how much the media and popular culture affect our health concerns. Oil in our diet is one example. For decades no one gave a thought to their fat intake. That changed in the sixties when the American Heart Association came out with recommendations to switch from saturated fats like butter and lard to...

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Part III: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Part III: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Iron. Iron is a necessary mineral in our diet that can be found in both meat and plants; however not all iron is created equal. Iron comes in two forms: heme iron which comes from animal products and non-heme iron which comes from plant sources. Whole grains, legumes and dark green leafy vegetables provide the type of iron...

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  4600 Hits

Part II: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Part II: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Fear of weak bones is what drives concerns about calcium intake. But calcium alone doesn't build strong bones. Exercise, Vitamin D, and a variety of vitamins and minerals from whole plant foods all strengthen our skeletal system. As the muscles work during exercise, they pull on the bones, signaling our bodies to build up bone...

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Part I: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

Part I: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

As a dietician, Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN advocates for a whole-foods plant-based diet in order to get sufficient protein. "Nature has made sure we are protected against a protein deficiency, as all whole, natural foods are abundant in protein. Whole grains, starchy vegetables, vegetables, and legumes are all excellent sources of high-quality protein." My...

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  5929 Hits

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

Pink Lady. Braeburn. Ginger Gold. Fuji. Red Delicious. Gala. It's fall and farmer's markets abound with apples. Your refrigerator produce drawer should likewise be overflowing with these powerful packages of nature's nutrients! Science backs up the many health benefits of consuming apples. Apples reduce the risk of some cancers, particularly lung cancer.  As if that...

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  7748 Hits

What Percentage of Americans Eat Healthy?

What Percentage of Americans Eat Healthy?

Life expectancy in the U.S. is listed as number 27 or 28 of the 34 OECD free-market democracies. In the video below, Dr. Michael Greger explains how the overall patterns of healthy lifestyles have declined in the last 18 years. When U.S. health trends are examined, they reveal some pretty sobering statistics based on one...

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