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4 minutes reading time (781 words)

Food is Powerful Medicine

Food is Powerful Medicine

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after Hippocrates, outlines medical ethics for doctors and is still used today. Part of the oath reads: "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone."

Sadly though, "medical care and errors" has become the third leading cause of death in the U.S. It is estimated that over 400,000 deaths per year are associated with medical error. Examples of this include infections in hospitals, unnecessary surgery, hospital errors, adverse reactions and interactions to prescription drugs, administration of the wrong drug to the wrong patient, and wrong diagnosis. The good news is that we can avoid many of these unnecessary treatments contributing to these statistics when we eat a health-supporting diet.

The U.S. spends more money on health care than any other country and yet we have the highest rate of degenerative disease. How can this be? Many of the reasons are explained in the above 18-minute Engine 2 Diet video. The medical community continues to search for new advances in surgical procedures and drug therapies while ignoring what Hippocrates recommended - the best cure for disease is at the end of our forks. Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by seductive marketing ads provided by large food industries. These messages, along with low prices, have turned us all into food addicts. This is not surprising since the typical American obtains the majority of their calories from refined white flours, sugars, oils, and saturated fats from meat and dairy. These foods are not only lacking in nutrients, they are highly addictive.

When asked if they believe if their diets are "heart-healthy" the majority of Americans believe that they are. Yet when these diets are analyzed, only a small fraction comes close to meeting the basic heart-healthy requirements. There is a huge disconnect between what Americans perceive to be healthy and what really is. More concerning still, is the fact that medical school does not require or offer classes in nutrition for doctors. This explains one reason why doctors are reluctant to recommend diet and lifestyle modifications as a treatment plan for their patients.

Thankfully, Whole Foods Market is one business that does take the principles of diet and lifestyle seriously. Because they value the health of their employees they enroll many of those with chronic illnesses in a week-long live-in Engine 2 Immersion Program. This program is under the leadership of Rip Esselstyn and his Engine 2 Diet Immersion team.

These live-in programs provide an excellent opportunity for participants to educate themselves of the powerful benefits that whole plant foods offer. The participants' education is provided by many plant-based celebrities. Dr. Carney has had the privilege of serving as their Medical Director for several years. She and her medical team record vital biomarkers associated with disease risk before and after starting the program. At the end of the program, they compare the participants' results. Remarkable drops in blood lipids, weight, glucose, and blood pressure can be seen below:

  • Biggest Cholesterol Change: -62
  • Biggest Triglycerides Change: -267
  • Biggest Blood Sugar Change: -118
  • Biggest Weight Change: -13.80

Additionally, many addictions to caffeine, cigarettes, processed junk foods and high fat animal foods are resolved during the Immersion. At the end of their week-long stay, the participants' graduation ceremony includes many emotional testimonies of how their lives have been radically changed. One such testimony regarding diabetes reversal is highlighted in this video. Jacquie suffered from type-2 diabetes for many years. After only one week of eating Plant-Strong food her glucose level fell within the normal range for the very first time. She was even able to reduce and eliminate some of her medications. Her emotional testimony brought tears to many eyes.

The vast majority of illness today is caused by what we eat. We hope that this video will encourage you towards taking charge of your health today! You will notice a dramatic improvement in both your physical health and your emotional well-being.

For more information, click on the following links:

(1) Doctors' Nutritional Ignorance

(2) Doctors Know Little About Nutrition

(3) Calculate Your Healthy Eating Score

(4) Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

(5) USDA Endorses Disease Promoting Foods

(6) Is Your Child's Diet Healthy?

(7) Who's Influencing Your Children?

(8) Everyone Else is Doing it!

(9) Dietary Guidelines: Advisory Committee Conflicts of Interest

(10) Medical School Nutrition Education

(11) How Food Subsidies Tax our Health

Engine 2 Links

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