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What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?

What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?

How we spend the last years of our lives can largely be determined by what lifestyle choices we made during our earlier years. Research indicates that although we may have a genetic family history of heart disease, cancer, etc., these conditions are largely preventable with diet and lifestyle measures. These lifestyle measures play a significant role in influencing the expression of these genes. Genetic weaknesses may be present, but nutritional choices have the ability to either turn-on, or turn-off the initiation and progression of disease. This is through the science of epigenetics.

The following video is very thought provoking and well produced. The ideas expressed are excellent. The most important point is for us to decide how we want to live our final years, and then make our best efforts towards those goals. Health is wealth. (The website they reference at the end of the video appears to no longer be active.)

Wisdom from Dr. McDougall

John McDougall, MD has written a wonderful article on epigenetics and nutrition entitled "Human Genes are Turned On and Off by Diet." This is a promising field full of extremely good news. The bottom line is that the decisions we make today have a tremendous impact on our genes...resulting in a better tomorrow. Likewise, the decisions we make today can have a devastating effect on our future health outcome. As Dr. McDougall points out, many people are suffering from "over consumption" and "diseases of excess."

We now live in a world where diseases caused by over-nutrition are far more common than diseases of under-nutrition (starvation).

This over-nutrition causes health damaging changes to our genes. Dr. McDougall is sure to point out that all is not lost.

Fortunately, modifications in gene expression now being caused by over-nutrition are reversible.

A Quote From Dr. Fuhrman

Dr. Fuhrman firmly believes that, "Nutrition is such a powerful regulator of disease incidence that when an optimal diet is consumed through much of life, genetics will have little effect on contributing to the appearance of the common causes of death we see in our society today. We all have different genetic weaknesses. We all have various susceptibilities to various diseases. Family history is almost meaningless when individuals utilize superior nutrition to avoid the nutritional causes of illness. What is not meaningless is risk factors and risk factor reduction. When we look at people living a lifetime on healthy, natural vegetable and fruit predominant diets, none of them get heart attacks, period. Family history only matters when you follow the same disease-causing diet-style that your family did."

These two plant based luminaries approach nutrition and health from different angles and have been known to disagree (understatement intentional). But, I believe you will see here they agree on the power of nutrition and diet to transform your health by transforming your genes. My wish is that you will make every effort to live in such a way that your golden years of life will be a blessing to yourself, your family and your friends.

For information regarding family history and gene expression, see:

(1) Colin Campbell Explains Cancer Growth

(2) Reverse Aging With a Plant-Based Diet

(3) Genetics and Lowering Cholesterol

(4) Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

One Hour Phone Consult with Dr. Carney


Telephone Food Coaching Sessions with Linda Carney MD

Due to demand for nutritional advice, Dr. Carney's offers Starch-Smart® System "Dietary Care Extraordinaire" Food Coaching telephone sessions. The first sessions is always one hour. Subsequent sessions can be thirty minutes or one hour:

Click Here For 60 Minute Food Coaching Session

Please Note: Food Coaching sessions are not medical appointments and are not intended to replace your own physician. No tests will be ordered and no prescriptions will be provided.

Preview the "Perfect Health Requires Perfect Circulation" Trailer

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Dear Dr Carney this clip on how will you spend your last 10 years is very touching to me. I have been on both sides. After suffering from a life threatening cerebral hemorrhage, Type2 diabetes and a heart bypass operation I can relate to how sickness can overwhelm to the point it seems hopeless. I then discovered how diet relates to the disease. I am living proof food is medicine!

Greg Klapp
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Thank you Greg.
Your testimony is so powerful. I hope everybody gets to see how moving your story is, as told at www.EatingYouAlive.com
Healthy Holidays,
Dr. Carney

Comment was last edited about 6 years ago by Sean Carney Linda Carney MD
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