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Health - Food - Science - Community
3 minutes reading time (500 words)

Allium Vegetables May Fend off Gastric Cancer

Baskets of Red and White Onions and Garlic Red and White Onions and Garlic are Excellent Examples of Allium Vegetables

People concerned about avoiding gastric cancer may want to consider adding more allium vegetables to their diet. Vegetables in the allium family include onions, garlic, leeks, chives, shallots, and scallions. There is compelling evidence that high dietary ingestion of allium vegetables can help to halt the development of stomach cancer. A team of scientists from the University of Southern California, USA, looked at the dietary data of 1,902 Chinese men and women and evaluated the gastric cancer odds ratio of each participant in this study. The researchers observed that individuals who regularly consumed generous amounts of allium vegetables, such as garlic and onions, had lower chances of developing stomach cancer compared to persons who rarely indulged in these foods. Similarly, another study that reviewed evidence and data from several scientific literature's on the subject revealed that habitual consumption of allium vegetables contributes positively to the prevention of gastric cancer. Furthermore, a 10% reduction in stomach cancer risk was associated with the intake of 20 grams of allium vegetables per day, as reported in another study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology.

The observed protective effect of regular dietary intake of allium vegetables on gastric cancer may result from the high concentrations of organsulfur compounds present in these vegetables. Organosulfur compounds are potent cancer-fighters. They boost an individual's defense against gastric cancer by several mechanisms, including the neutralization of free radicals, the prevention of DNA mutation, the inhibition of the proliferation of cancerous cells, and the elimination of Helicobacter pylori—a bacteria that promote the formation of tumors in the stomach. The potent anti-carcinogenic properties of allium vegetables has earned them a place in the list of foods that can help fend off gastric cancer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 70% of cancers in the gastro-intestinal tract, including stomach cancer, is linked to unhealthy dietary choices. What's on our plate can either inhibit or facilitate the formation of cancerous cells and tumors in our stomach. Removing animal products, reducing spicy pickled foods, and adding more allium vegetables to our diet could make a significant difference in the fight against gastric cancer.

Additional Information:

(1) World Health Organization (WHO): Cancer Linked With Poor Nutrition

(2) Allium Vegetables and Stomach Cancer in China

(3) Gastric Cancer and Allium Vegetable Intake: a Critical Review of Experimental and Epidemiological Evidence

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