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Counting Calories

Counting Calories

Guest Blogger Contribution.
I used to believe that one's weight was a simple matter of calories in verses calories out and that calories are calories regardless of source. However, over the years of Type-1 diabetes testing, logging and analyzing, I have learned that it is not that simple. A major lesson learned is that carbohydrate calories...

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  3579 Hits

Breakfast Beans to Beat the Hangries

Breakfast Beans to Beat the Hangries

When I say "From Sun to Plant to Plate," I really mean it. Not only should we eat plant food in as close to its original state as is possible and palatable, but the dawning of the morning sun should remind us to start the day with plant energy on our plate so we can...

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  12170 Hits

Relation between a diet with high glycemic load and plasma concentrations of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in middle-aged women.

High glycemic load is associated with elevated plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and high ischemic heart disease risk.

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  2374 Hits

Popular diets: correlation to health, nutrition, and obesity.

Vegetarian diets are associated with low body mass index and obesity risk.

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Dietary fat intake as risk factor for the development of diabetes.

High consumption of dietary fat may elevate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Can Low-Carb Diets Impair Brain Function?

Can Low-Carb Diets Impair Brain Function?

Chances are, you have many friends or family members that have been lured into eating one of the many types of low-carb diets. These high animal protein, carbohydrate restrictive diets promise quick weight loss results without having to exert much effort. Dieters enjoy the fact that they can lose weight rapidly without having to give...

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  20969 Hits

Our Beloved Fats and Evil Carbs

Our Beloved Fats and Evil Carbs

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Over the years, our society has discovered new dietary insights. Each new discovery results in a shift to a different and highly popular diet coined with its own name. Currently, some of the most popular diets are Paleo, Mediterranean and the old faithful Adkins diet. Moving past the 1950’s, as America continued to...

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  5750 Hits

Are all Carbs Bad?

Are all Carbs Bad?

Obesity rates have skyrocketed and has grown to concerning proportions in the last decade. It's estimated that 80% of adults in the U.S. are overweight. In fact, due to rising obesity rates in children, doctors are seeing an alarming number of children suffering from chronic diseases that use to be seen only in middle-aged adults. With...

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  18839 Hits

Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 6: Glycemic Index and Attention Span

Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 6: Glycemic Index and Attention Span

Guest Blogger Contribution.
As a Type-1 diabetic, the study of insulin and metabolism has been a subject of obsessive interest for the last 26 years. From personal experience I have found that maintaining normal blood sugar involves more than simply injecting insulin. It turns out that it is not entirely a simple matter of matching insulin...

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  6446 Hits



Guest Blogger Contribution.
Carbophobia as defined in the Urban Dictionary is “An irrational fear of element 6 of the periodic table (aka carbon), from which all organic life is based. …Currently a source of great hysteria. Carbophobia has reached such levels it’s become its own religion.” While that definition is just as wee bit tongue-in-cheek, I...

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  7263 Hits

Is it true that eating carbohydrates will make me gain weight?

Whole plant foods, which are rich in both complex and simple carbohydrates, do not promote weight gain and are an essential component of a Starch-Smart® diet. Whole plant foods are low in calories and nutrient-rich. The weight and volume satisfies our appetites, prevents cravings, & sustains human life. Carbohydrates (starches such as rice, corn, potatoes,...

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