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What Your Arteries Want You to "NO"

What Your Arteries Want You to "NO"

Heart disease kills one out of every 3 Americans. Will you or your family members be one of them? Chances are, if you consume the typical American diet, you could very well be at high risk for a fatal heart attack. Educating ourselves is the first step towards reducing our risk for cardiovascular disease. As...

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Vegans Have Lower Cholesterol

Vegans Have Lower Cholesterol

Vegans have lower body weights as well as cholesterol levels, according to a recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and reported by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:   "Those who consume vegan diets have better cholesterol levels than people who eat meat, fish, dairy, and/or egg products, according to a...

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  6492 Hits

Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

Olive oil is as American as baseball and apple pie. Its monounsaturated omega-3's have long been touted for being "heart healthy." But if olive oil ready did protect our hearts from heart disease, then why do one out of every three Americans die from it? Perhaps it doesn't really protect our hearts after all. Clever...

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  17323 Hits

Bypass-Angioplasty Procedures Not Effective

Bypass-Angioplasty Procedures Not Effective

Chances are, several of your friends or family members have heart disease. Sadly, heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. Eighty-one million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease, with 831,000 deaths each year, resulting in a heart attack every 34 seconds. You may have heart disease as well and...

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  12948 Hits

Are You "Dying" to Lose Weight?

Are You "Dying" to Lose Weight?

High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins diet, have become very popular, but is it possible to safely lose weight on such a diet without damaging our health? Dr. Joel Fuhrman addresses this concern in his article, The Atkins Cancer Revolution, and convincingly argues: "You can lose some weight on the Atkins diet plan, but...

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  11177 Hits

Meat Consumption = High Risk of Disease

Meat Consumption = High Risk of Disease

Studies continue to demonstrate potential health risks associated with eating animal products, as shown below - written by the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. (PCRM)

"Red and processed meat products increase women's disease risk, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers from Harvard analyzed the diets and blood of 3,690 participants from the Nurses' Health Study and found that as total red meat consumption increased, C-reactive protein (CRP, a biomarker of infections and diseases including heart disease and cancer), hemoglobin A1c (an indicator of diabetes risk), and stored iron (a mineral which in excess is associated with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes) also increased. Weight and calorie intake also increased with increased intake of red and processed meat products."

"Consumption of red and processed meat products is associated with increased risk of death, according to a new review published by the American Journal of Epidemiology. Researchers looked at nine studies with years of follow-up ranging from 5.5 to 28 years to calculate a 23 percent increase in mortality risk for those consuming the most processed meat and a 29 percent increased risk for those consuming the most total red meat, compared with those who consumed the least. Other studies have shown a similar link with red and processed meat products and mortality as well as links to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes."

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  11209 Hits

Obesity Increases All-Cause Mortality Rates

Obesity Increases All-Cause Mortality Rates

According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, overweight adults have a significantly higher incidence of premature death and CVD (cardiovascular disease). "Compared with normal-weight adults, obese adults had at least 20% significantly higher rate of dying of all-cause or CVD. These rates advanced death by 3.7 years (grades II and...

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  7695 Hits

Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty

Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty

Our nation's current epidemic of chronic disease is not due to our genetic family history or the consequence of aging, but rather caused by poor diet and lifestyle choices. This is particularly true concerning heart disease. Heart disease rates rise and fall in direct proportion to the percent of animal fat consumed in the diet...

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  25773 Hits

How Bad Can Just One Meal Be?

How Bad Can Just One Meal Be?

Holidays come and go, yet the effects from eating poorly, even temporarily, have adverse consequences on our health. We may rationalize that "It's just a few meals, how harmful could they be?" You may be surprised to learn that the majority of heart attacks occur during the holiday season, covering the weeks of Christmas through...

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  18491 Hits

Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

This is a very interesting article written by Kristin Wartman from The New York Times. She explores several reasons why it's important for parents to feed their children healthy food right from the start....even while in the womb. Children quickly learn and develop different taste preferences and emotional attachments to the food that they are...

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  7858 Hits

Incidence of Teen Stroke on the Rise

Incidence of Teen Stroke on the Rise

Stroke is no longer considered a disease of old age. Strokes are now occurring in younger people as well. Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that, "These diseases come about due to the accumulated effects of years of poor diet and lifestyle habits. As the standard American diet has deteriorated, these damaging effects are amplified and have...

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  9728 Hits

Dr. Michael Klaper Answers Common Questions

Dr. Michael Klaper Answers Common Questions

You will enjoy the below 26 minute video of Michael Klaper MD. Dr. Klaper speaks passionately about his past, and how his memories of growing up on a dairy farm influenced him towards transitioning to a more compassionate and health-supporting diet. A few of the topics Dr. Klaper covers are: Cow's milk was designed as...

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  21554 Hits

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