DrCarney.com Blog

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The Benefits of Whole Grains

The Benefits of Whole Grains

Whole, intact, grains can be an essential component of a whole-food, nutrient-dense, Starch-Smart® diet. A whole grain consists of all three parts of the kernel, which are the bran, germ, and endosperm. When any of these are removed in processing, then it is no longer considered a whole, intact, grain. Many people today believe that whole...

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Diet for a New America With John Robbins

Diet for a New America With John Robbins

John Robbins, who left the family business, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream, to pursue health explains that when autopsies are done, and the material clogging the arteries is removed and sent to the pathology lab, the lab results always return stating the same thing:  "Saturated fat and cholesterol... never once has the report ever stated broccoli and tofu." 

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Aspirin Benefits Without the Risks

Aspirin Benefits Without the Risks

Daily aspirin therapy is often recommended by physicians to reduce inflammation and the risk of heart attack and stroke. Recently though, researchers found that people who don't take aspirin have low levels of aspirin in their bloodstream. How did it get there? Where is it coming from? and Why?

Researchers discovered that "aspirin is widely distributed throughout the plant kingdom". When aspirin blood levels were measured in those who eat a plant-based diet, surprisingly, some of their aspirin levels were found to be as high as other people who were taking aspirin as a drug. Therefore, researchers concluded that eating a plant-based diet offers the benefits of aspirin therapy, yet without the associated risks such as the risk of bleeding like hemorrahagic strokes.

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Sheila Lewis Chose Diet Instead of Bypass

Sheila Lewis Chose Diet Instead of Bypass

Shelia Lewis was diagnosed with cardiovascular disease at the age of 46. Tests revealed that she had congestive heart failure, along with hypertension, and an 85% blockage of one of her coronary arteries. Instead of choosing an invasive procedure such as bypass surgery, she made an appointment with Dr. Baxter Montgomery, a cardiologist in Houston, Texas.  Dr. Montgomery reverses heart disease using a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet. After only 5 months on a plant-based diet, Sheila's repeat heart catheterization procedure showed that the blockage had completely disappeared.

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Caldwell Esselstyn MD Ends Coronary Artery Disease

Caldwell Esselstyn MD Ends Coronary Artery Disease

Who has coronary artery disease? Almost everybody unfortunately! What is the leading cause of heart attacks? The greatest percentage of heart attacks occur when newly formed plaques on the inside of our arteries, rupture; causing a clot to form, blocking the flow of blood. These vulnerable and unstable plaques cannot be seen using diagnostic tools. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. MD discusses how to end coronary heart disease.

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John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, Plant-Based Diet Presentation

John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, Plant-Based Diet Presentation

This is an excellent 27 minute presentation given by John Mackey of Whole Foods Market.  He explains the benefits associated from eating a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet.

To view a previous Whole-Foods Market, Engine-2 Immersion that John Mackey spoke of, click here.  

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  14657 Hits

Sick Before Their Time: More Kids Diagnosed With Adult Diseases

Sick Before Their Time: More Kids Diagnosed With Adult Diseases

Medical experts predict that today's children will be the first generation that will not outlive their parents. This is partly due to the sharp rise in obesity among American children. Steven Kenneth Galson, former US Surgeon General, states that the obesity epidemic is a result of "an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition."

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Health Concerns about Dairy Products

Health Concerns about Dairy Products

According to the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, "Many Americans still consume substantial amounts of dairy products—and government policies still promote them—despite scientific evidence that questions their health benefits and indicates their potential health risks." A few of the risks associated with dairy consumption include an increased incidence of cancer, heart disease, acne, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal...

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  12796 Hits

High Blood Pressure: A Symptom, Not a Disease

High Blood Pressure: A Symptom, Not a Disease

Although most people believe that hypertension is a natural consequence of aging, hypertension is actually the consequence from years of consuming a diet rich in saturated animal products, oils, refined sugars, processed foods, and salt. These foods play a major role in promoting diseased arteries.

High blood pressure is not a disease, but a symptom of these diseased arteries. As cholesterol containing plaques begin to line the walls of the arteries, the arteries begin to narrow, stiffen, and lose their elasticity which causes a rise in pressure. Medications artificially treat the symptoms which gives the patient a false sense of security while their disease progresses. By switching to a Starch-Smart® diet, you will be giving your body a chance to heal the arteries, and reverse the disease.

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Is Your Food a Medicine or Poison?

Is Your Food a Medicine or Poison?

Every meal we consume affects our health either in a positive or negative way.  If our diets consist mainly of heavily processed foods and animal products, rich in saturated fats, oils, salt and sugar, we are creating an environment that encourages chronic degenerative disease.

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Heart Disease Starts in Childhood

Heart Disease Starts in Childhood

Autopsies performed on over 300 Korean War casualties revealed that over 77% of the hearts examined had gross evidence of arteriosclerosis. The average age of the men examined was 22 years. Some vessels were clogged 90% or more. Subsequent autopsies performed on over 1,500 battle casualties confirmed these same findings.

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Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

Calcium is a mineral found in the ground and is absorbed by the roots of plants.  Contrary to what the dairy industry wants us to believe, whole plant foods contain sufficient amounts of calcium to support every stage of our life after infancy. (Mother's milk is recommended for the first two years of life.) Consider...

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