DrCarney.com Blog

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Protect Your Heart With Starch-Based Diet

Protect Your Heart With Starch-Based Diet

Restaurant owner, Judy Patti, prepared her meals the way most Americans do, using a vast selection of meat, dairy, eggs and oil. She admits her poor dietary choices were the root cause of her illness.  Judy was 60 pounds overweight, had high blood pressure, and had already undergone two coronary bypass surgeries in the past.  Her...

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Nathan Pritikin Shows Heart Disease is Reversible

Nathan Pritikin Shows Heart Disease is Reversible

Meet Frances Greger, Dr. Michael Greger's grandmother (in the above two videos). Dr. Greger says that his grandmother "was given a medical death sentence at the age of 65."  Seeing his grandmother's health improve is what inspired Dr. Greger to pursue a career in plant-based medicine.

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Sugar Linked to Diminished Mental Capacity

Sugar Linked to Diminished Mental Capacity

What do holidays, birthdays, and family celebrations all have in common? If you answered food, you are correct! In today's culture, celebrating a special occasion without the typical American fare of gooey, weight-promoting desserts would almost be considered un-American. 

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McDougall Diet for Pregnancy and Children

McDougall Diet for Pregnancy and Children

Dr. John McDougall has very generously made his "Advanced Study Weekend" presentation on Pregnancy and Children available for public viewing on YouTube. The Weekend Study took place March of 2013 in Santa Rosa, California. This one hour presentation covers many topics regarding pregnancy, such as infertility, dietary recommendations, morning sickness, and weight gain. You'll enjoy watching...

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The Art of Selling Slow Poisons

The Art of Selling Slow Poisons

If you need a passionate, unreserved examination of facts regarding the "poisons" contained in animal foods in order to motivate you, you'll find what you're looking for in this article written by Dr. John McDougall. Dr. McDougall holds nothing back. He uses a direct approach, addressing the concerns regarding meat, dairy and eggs. Dr. McDougall...

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The Wine and Olive Oil Diet

The Wine and Olive Oil Diet

Many fad diets come and go, but one diet in particular has stood the test of time.  Anyone familiar with the Mediterranean diet will most likely tell you that by pouring olive oil over your salad and including a glass of wine with your dinner will transform your present diet into a "heart healthy" Mediterranean...

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Filmmakers Discuss Forks Over Knives

Filmmakers Discuss Forks Over Knives

We hope our recent blog on the Forks Over Knives documentary will encourage you and your family to watch the documentary together. The above five minute video gives a brief overview of why the film was made and the background of the scientists and doctors that were featured in the film.  It's never too late...

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Forks Over Knives Documentary May Save Your Life

Forks Over Knives Documentary May Save Your Life

Despite new advances in medical technology, and U.S. healthcare costs exceeding that of other countries, Americans are sicker than ever before. It's estimated that 80% of adults are overweight, and more than 70% of office visits involve prescription drug therapy.

Tens of thousands of patients die every year due to unintentional drug overdose, drug interactions, or from the side effects from these drugs. The majority of today's office visits reflect lifestyle driven diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Tragically, these degenerative diseases are the leading cause of death, yet can largely be prevented through dietary excellence. 

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Dr. Michael Greger Reviews the Paleo Diet

Dr. Michael Greger Reviews the Paleo Diet

The "Paleo" diet or "Caveman" diet has recently become a popular diet, especially among some fitness groups such as CrossFit.  The Paleo diet is a modern day diet based on the presumed ancient diet of early man during the Paleolithic Era.

There are many aspects of this diet which are health promoting, such as the addition of fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.  Other beneficial attributes include the avoidance of dairy products, processed snack foods, and alcohol.  However, legumes, grains, and starchy vegetables have also been eliminated which are beneficial and are a significant part of a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet.  The Paleo diet centers its meals around animal products, much like the typical American diet, and is high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates.  Advocates state that the high percentage of animal products to whole plant food is a key feature of this diet with sausage, bacon, lard and tallow being acceptable. 

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Atherosclerosis Begins in Early Childhood

Atherosclerosis Begins in Early Childhood

Atherosclerosis (or hardening of the arteries) is a disease caused by years of eating the rich Western diet. Fatty plaque deposits accumulate and coat the inside of the blood vessel walls beginning in early childhood. These fatty plaque streaks can be seen in children as young as three years of age, and by the age...

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  20691 Hits

Yes! Heart Disease Can be Reversed Using Diet!

Yes! Heart Disease Can be Reversed Using Diet!

If you or someone you love has heart disease, please watch and share this video. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Approximately 1.5 million people will suffer a heart attack this year. From these, approximately 1 million deaths will occur, resulting in one death every 30 seconds. Tragically, the majority of...

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  33337 Hits

Study Shows Twinkies Lower Cholesterol?

Study Shows Twinkies Lower Cholesterol?

Everywhere we look, we are inundated with the latest results from scientific research studies regarding diet and health. One report encourages us to eat a particular food item, when another report warns us not to. Ever wonder why there's so much conflicting data? Dr. Michael Greger's video informs us how these studies can be biased,...

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