DrCarney.com Blog

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Cruciferous Vegetables Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Cruciferous Vegetables Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Regular consumption of large servings of cruciferous vegetables lowers the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a recent Chinese study. Increased intake of cruciferous vegetables was found to reduce pancreatic cancer odds ratio to 0.78 in this study. Cruciferous vegetables are a class of vegetables with cross-shaped flowers. Cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, turnips, watercress,...

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  10304 Hits

No Spare Parts

No Spare Parts

Guest Blogger Contribution.
For much of human's history of biological knowledge, the appendix has been considered an organ without a purpose. If you Google, "Appendix Function", the first explanation is, "The function of the appendix is unknown." It is deemed a vestigial structure. There are, however, numerous theories. One theory, that actually fits testing, is that...

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  5800 Hits

Believe It or Not: How to Evaluate a Medical Study

Believe It or Not: How to Evaluate a Medical Study

It sounds pretty impressive to hear, "A new study suggests . . . ."  We perk up our ears and open our minds. After all, "science" has discovered something new! Proteinaholic, a recently published book authored by Garth Davis, MD, with Howard Jacobson, PhD, highlights the difference between how news reporters and scientists react when...

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  5356 Hits

Increased Dietary Fat Causes Increased Diabetes

Increased Dietary Fat Causes Increased Diabetes

If you have Type II diabetes or prediabetes and wish to no longer be dependent on daily medications, there is hope. It will however, require effort on your part in the form of making lifestyle changes. Some of these lifestyle changes may appear, to some, be extreme--like no longer eating a typical "MODERN" diet. In...

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  8902 Hits

The Effect of Different Oils on Endothelial Function

The Effect of Different Oils on Endothelial Function

Is there a "HEALTHY" oil? We've heard the term used so often that most of us believe there is such a thing. But which is it? Some tout olive oil because of its ancient Mediterranean roots. Others point to the long tradition of using soy products in Asia to prove the benefit of soybean oil....

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  43529 Hits

Lacto-Fermented Foods Linked to Esophageal Cancer

Lacto-Fermented Foods Linked to Esophageal Cancer

Did our ancestors have wisdom that we can recover to help us with our modern health problems? Both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the promoters of Paleolithic diets claim this is the case. They suggest that the deficit of lacto-fermented foods in the modern Western diet deprives us of beneficial gut bacteria thus making...

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  42736 Hits

Meat and Egg Products Increase the Risk of Stroke

Meat and Egg Products Increase the Risk of Stroke

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we periodically publish the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show me the Science! As reported by The Physicians...

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  11579 Hits

Low-Carb Diet = Higher Rate of Mortality

Low-Carb Diet = Higher Rate of Mortality

AnimalEverywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show me...

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  8808 Hits

Plant Foods = Lower Rates of Disease/Mortality

Plant Foods = Lower Rates of Disease/Mortality

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show Me...

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  5991 Hits

Eating Whole Grains Lowers Risk of Mortality

Eating Whole Grains Lowers Risk of Mortality

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show me...

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  9099 Hits

Meat = Higher Obesity & Chronic Disease Rates

Meat = Higher Obesity & Chronic Disease Rates

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show Me...

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  13145 Hits

Low Plant Food Intake = Increased Rate of Disease

Low Plant Food Intake = Increased Rate of Disease

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true.  Show Me...

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  10971 Hits

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