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1 minute reading time (134 words)

Comparison of nutrient density and nutrient-to-cost between cooked and canned beans.

Cooked beans contain more nutrients than canned beans.

This study compared the nutrient content and nutrient-to-cost ratio between cooked and canned beans. Researchers analyzed the prices of dried cooked and canned or drained of black, kidney, lima, pinto, garbanzo, white beans, and black-eyed peas in 60 grocery stores in January 2009. The nutrient density per 100g of cooked and canned beans was calculated using the U.S Department Nutrient Database for standard reference.

Researchers found out that dried cooked beans had higher fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium, fiber, iron, and energy but lesser sodium content than canned or drained beans had. Cooked beans were also observed to cost less than canned beans in this study.The findings of this study reveal that dried cooked beans supply the body with more nutrients than canned or drained beans do.

Research Summary Information

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