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Do preserved foods increase prostate cancer risk?

Regular consumers of preserved foods, such as salted fish, pickled vegetables, fermented soy products, and preserved meats, may be highly vulnerable to prostate cancer.

This study examined the effect of consistent consumption of preserved foods on prostate cancer risk. Researchers estimated the prostate cancer hazard ratio and tracked the diets of 404 Chinese subjects. They found out that high intake of preserved foods, especially salted fish, pickled vegetables, fermented soy products, and preserved meats, increased the risk of developing prostate cancer. The results of this study support the hypothesis that preserved foods may contribute positively to the development of prostate cancer in men.

Research Summary Information

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I'm finding these studies related to preserved foods interesting. This study was pretty small, (less that 500 total participants), so I would just regard the results with interest. Hopefully, it will encourage bigger studies to be done.

Marky Yvanovich
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They are interesting. Studies can be so tricky. I like it when they also do not 'mix metaphors'. ie. in this study they are looking at preserved foods and they class together preserved vegetables and preserved meats. I would expect preserved meats to be a problem. But, I think that most people assume that preserved vegetables won't be. So, I really find it more useful when the studies are specifically about the plant based preserved foods. :-)

Sean Carney
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