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Effect of a 21-day Daniel Fast on metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk factors in men and women.

Daniel Fast may improve cardiovascular and metabolic health in men and women.

This study investigated the effect of Daniel Fast on metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk factors in men and women. The Daniel Fast is a bible inspired partial fast in which an individual can consume only water, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains during the fasting period. 43 subjects (30 women and 13 men) participated in a Daniel Fast for 21 days. Several anthropometric parameters, cardiovascular variables, (blood pressure, complete blood count, and resting heart rate) and biochemical indicators (serum creatinine, protein, cholesterol, insulin, and C-reactive protein) were measured in each subject before and after the fasting.

Researchers observed that systolic and diastolic blood pressure, white blood cell count, and plasma concentrations of cholesterol, protein, insulin, creatinine, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were reduced after fasting compared to their pre-fasting levels in all the subjects. However, Daniel Fast had no effect on any anthropometric parameter. These results show that Daniel Fast improves several risk factors associated with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Research Summary Information

  • 2010
  • Bloomer RJ, Kabir MM, Canale RE, Trepanowski JF, Marshall KE, Farney TM, Hammond KG
  • Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA. rbloomer@memphis.edu
  • No, Free full text of study was not found.
  • No. Source of funding disclosure not found
  • No. Potential conflicts disclosure not found
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