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Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis: Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Colorectal Serrated Polyp

Moderate and heavy intake of alcohol may foster the development and growth of serrated polyps in the colon and rectum.

Serrated polyps are growths with a saw-toothed appearance on the interior surface of the colon and rectum that can transform to colorectal cancer. This meta-analysis examined data from previous studies that focus on the effect high fiber diet have on the risk of having colorectal serrated polyps. A total of 10 eligible studies were considered for this meta-analysis. 

Data analysis revealed that moderate and heavy consumption of alcohol drove up an individual's risk of being diagnosed with colorectal serrated polyps. The data from this study support the hypothesis that moderate and heavy drinkers may be highly prone to develop serrated polyps on their colon and rectum.

Research Summary Information

  • 2015
  • Yu-Ming Wang, Qin-Yi Zhou, Jin-Zhou Zhu, Ke-Fu Zhu, Chao-Hui Yu, You-Ming Li
  • Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, #79 Qingchun Road, Hangzhou, 310003, Zhejiang Province, China.
  • No, Free full text of study was not found.
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