Many people pop a morning multivitamin as a very personal form of "health insurance." We figure that just in case our diet isn't adequately providing for our nutritional needs, we'll take a multivitamin to be safe. Some of us take it a step further, adding specific vitamins in the belief that "more is better," hoping... Blog
The phrase "resistance is futile" entered the pop-culture lexicon in 1989 when The Borg appeared on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The show's creators probably had no idea that somewhere in a laboratory in England, scientists were making bold, new discoveries about how simple foods battle the diseases threatening the health of...
There's an ancient story of a military commander who came down with the deadly disease leprosy. Hearing that there was a healer in a neighboring country, he set off with a contingent of soldiers. Finding the healer in a small, unassuming house, the commander made his request. "Go wash seven times in our river, and...
Low serum concentrations of ALT, GGT, and hs-CRP and high plasma levels of GGT and hs-CRP are associated with high consumption of whole-grain bread and red meat respectively.
High intake of diets rich in meat fats may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in elderly people.
High intakes of whole grains and dietary fibers may confer significant protection against the development of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," said the Chiffon margarine commercial of the 1970s. According to Chiffon, it was possible to "fool Mother Nature," but if we did it — said the commercial — we would suffer the consequences. Today, we know that margarine is definitely not the health food we all thought it...
"The single biggest disqualifier is obesity," says the general in charge of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Ten percent of eligible young people ages 17-24 applying to fight for our country are too obese or otherwise unfit to join the military. In an interview with CNN, Maj. General Allen Batschelet points out that while there...
Half of the adults living in America who consume the rich Western diet have permanently stretched the diaphragm that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Many patients are unaware that they have stretched their diaphragm; some experience symtoms when others do not. This condition is commonly seen in adults over the age of...