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Consumption of Raw Cruciferous Vegetables Is Inversely Associated With Bladder Cancer Risk

Individuals who want to reduce their risk of bladder cancer should eat generous portions raw cruciferous vegetables regularly.

​This study evaluated the role frequent consumption of raw cruciferous vegetables play in the prevention of bladder cancer. Researchers matched dietary habits with diagnosis of bladder cancer in a study group made up of 275 patients with bladder cancer and 825 individuals without the disease.

Researchers discovered that consistent consumers of raw cruciferous vegetables had better chances of evading a diagnosis of bladder cancer than infrequent and non-consumers of these plant foods. The high amount of isothiocyanates present in cruciferous vegetables was believed to be responsible for their bladder cancer protective effect. The study supports the view that raw cruciferous vegetables should be added as part of dietary approach for the prevention of bladder cancer.

Research Summary Information

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