DrCarney.com Blog
"Eating a rainbow" is a popular technique for making nutrition fun for children. Kids are encouraged to eat a wide variety of colorful foods like red watermelon, orange carrots, yellow peppers, green beans, blueberries, and purple grapes — a rainbow of colors. The technique works for adults, too. Thinking of food in terms of a...
Low type 2 diabetes risk is associated with vegetarian diets.
Move over bacon, bowl-style meals are among the hottest new food trends. Best of all, bowls are a plant-friendly way to get in all the Beans, Greens, Squash, and Yams our body requires for energy and optimal health. In years gone by, animal protein took center stage on the American dinner plate. The ever-present potatoes...
Consistent consumption of vegetables may protect women against the development of type 2 diabetes.
Individuals on high fruit-low meat diets are less vulnerable to colorectal cancer compared to those on high-meat diets.
Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables may cut down gastric cancer development risk.
Diets high in fats may promote the development of breast cancer in women.
Let's talk about trends. If you're a banana, a carrot, or a head of lettuce, the future isn't looking too bright for you right now. The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBHF) commissioned a study and found that fruit and vegetable consumption has been trending down. According to the report, if the 50+ crowd doesn't...