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Dietary Mushroom Intake May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

Frequent consumption of mushroom may brighten a woman's chances of holding breast cancer at bay.

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Alcohol Consumption as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer Development: A Case-Control Study in Brazil

Long-term drinking of alcohol may make breast cancer more likely to occur in women who are less than 50 years.

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Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer by Subtype: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study

Regular drinking of alcohol may promote the formation and growth of cancerous cells and tumors that are sensitive to hormones in the breast of postmenopausal women.

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The Association Between Alcohol and Breast Cancer Risk: Evidence From the Combined Analysis of Six Dietary Case-Control Studies

High consumption of alcohol may increase a woman's chances of developing breast cancer.

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Association Between Soy Isoflavone Intake and Breast Cancer Risk for Pre- And Post-Menopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Studies

Habitual intake of isoflavones from soy foods may help thwart the development of cancer cells in the breast.

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Intake of Fruits, Vegetables, and Soy Foods in Relation to Breast Cancer Risk in Korean Women: A Case-Control Study

Adopting a diet rich in grapes, tomatoes, and soybeans may decrease a woman's chances of acquiring breast cancer.

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Fiber Consumption and Breast Cancer Incidence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies

A decline in breast cancer risk is associated with regular consumption of high-fiber foods.

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Dairy, Soy, and Risk of Breast Cancer: Those Confounded Milks

Habitual intake of dairy milk may put a woman at high risk of developing breast cancer.

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Association Between Alcohol and Breast Cancer Risk: Evidence From the Combined Analysis of Six Dietary Case-Control Studies

High consumption of alcohol may increase a woman's chances of developing breast cancer.

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Dietary Fat and Breast Cancer Risk Revisited: A Meta-Analysis of the Published Literature.

Indulgence in fatty foods may drive up breast cancer risk.

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Dietary Mushroom Intake and the Risk of Breast Cancer Based on Hormone Receptor Status

Adequate intake of mushroom may help guard against the occurrence breast cancer in premenopausal women.

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Breast Cancer and Dietary Fat Intake: A Correlational Study.

The odds of developing breast cancer may be high among habitual consumers of fatty foods.

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