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Cruciferous vegetable consumption and pancreatic cancer: A case-control study

Generous consumption of cruciferous vegetables may help an individual to beat down pancreatic cancer risk.

This study clarified the connection between cruciferous vegetable intake and the likelihood of acquiring pancreatic cancer. Researchers analyzed completed dietary questionnaires from 183 pancreatic cancer patients and 732 persons with no previous record of the disease. 

Researchers observed that the odds of suffering from pancreatic cancer reduced by as much as 40% among individuals who ate more than 1.5 servings of raw cruciferous vegetables each week. The results of this study show that devout consumption of cruciferous vegetables may help thwart the development of pancreatic cancer.

Research Summary Information

  • 2021
  • Maia E W Morrison, Emma G Hobika, Janine M Joseph, Ashley E Stenzel, Jennifer M Mongiovi, Li Tang, Susan E McCann, James Marshall, Christos Fountzilas, Kirsten B Moysich
  • University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, 14260, United States. Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York, 14456, United States. Department of Cancer Prevention and Control, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York, 14263, United States. Program in Health Disparities Research, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Department of Medicine, GI Center, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York, 14263, United States. Department of Cancer Prevention and Control, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York, 14263, United States. Electronic address: kirsten.moysich@roswellpark.org.
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