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Adulthood consumption of preserved and nonpreserved vegetables and the risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a systematic review.

Adequate intake of fresh, non-preserved vegetables may help guard against the development of nasopharyngeal cancer.

This study assessed the relationship between the consumption of preserved and non-preserved vegetables and the risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer. Researchers conducted a meticulous meta-analysis on data extracted from 16 case-control studies.

The team of investigators observed that high dietary ingestion of non-preserved vegetables diminished the odds of developing nasopharyngeal cancer by 36%. In contrast, consistent consumption of preserved vegetables was found to double nasopharyngeal cancer risk in this study. The results of this study support the hypothesis that generous intake of diets loaded with fresh, non-preserved vegetables may protect individuals from developing cancerous cells in the nasopharynx.

Research Summary Information

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It would be interesting to see if this is directly related to the higher sodium content in preserved vegetables. Are there any preserved vegetables that don't have added sodium? I'm not even sure of the definition of preserved vegetables. Maybe that is spelled out in the full text.

Or is it rather that preserved vegetables are lower in antioxidant content? Or maybe a combination of both?

Marky Yvanovich
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We are also very interested in these questions and would love to know more. We keep bumping into studies about fermented foods and cancer. This subject is complicated because there are so many possible variables. For example, there are many different ways to ferment foods.

In this study they used the term 'Preserved Vegetables' to describe a number of preservation methods. We have seen quite a few other studies that are looking at Fermented and Pickled Foods and in particular it seems to often be salt brine fermented foods, but not always. Again, as you have observed, there are more questions to be answered.

The one thing these studies do is alert us to a subject that might be of importance. We know a lot of people eating a lot of fermented foods that are convinced they are beneficial that may not be helping themselves as much as they think.

My wife also has noticed in her practice a relationship between fermented foods and swelling of the mucosa effecting airway passages. The fermented foods appear to possibly create an inflammatory reaction that restricts air flow. She has not done studies but has asked quite a few patients to try stopping the fermented food to...


We are also very interested in these questions and would love to know more. We keep bumping into studies about fermented foods and cancer. This subject is complicated because there are so many possible variables. For example, there are many different ways to ferment foods.

In this study they used the term 'Preserved Vegetables' to describe a number of preservation methods. We have seen quite a few other studies that are looking at Fermented and Pickled Foods and in particular it seems to often be salt brine fermented foods, but not always. Again, as you have observed, there are more questions to be answered.

The one thing these studies do is alert us to a subject that might be of importance. We know a lot of people eating a lot of fermented foods that are convinced they are beneficial that may not be helping themselves as much as they think.

My wife also has noticed in her practice a relationship between fermented foods and swelling of the mucosa effecting airway passages. The fermented foods appear to possibly create an inflammatory reaction that restricts air flow. She has not done studies but has asked quite a few patients to try stopping the fermented food to see if their symptoms improve. Most don't go back again to the fermented foods.

So, time will tell and in the meantime we will keep our eye and ears open for these type of studies.


Sean Carney
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We had decided to avoid preserved vegetables due to the high sodium, but it's good to have an additional incentive to avoid them, as they can be rather addictive.

Marky Yvanovich
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I think you may have solidly hit the nail on the head about why people get so angry when we post and share about scientific studies linking fermented and pickled foods to cancer and other problems.


Sean Carney
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