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Carotenoids and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis and meta-regression.

Adequate intake of diets rich in α- and β-carotene may help guard against the development of breast cancer in women.

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Citrus fruit intake and breast cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review.

Women who frequently consume citrus fruits are less prone to develop breast cancer.

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Soy intake and breast cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population.

Adequate intake of soy foods may help guard against the breast cancer development.

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Egg intake and cancers of the breast, ovary and prostate: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies.

Generous intake of eggs may increase breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer risk.

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Epidemiology of soy exposures and breast cancer risk.

High consumers of isoflavone-rich soy foods are less likely to develop breast cancer than rare- or non-consumers.

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Population-based case-control study of soy food intake and breast cancer risk in Shanghai.

Low breast cancer risk is associated with high consumption of soy foods.

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Do statins increase and Mediterranean diet decrease the risk of breast cancer?

Generous intake of Mediterranean diets may decrease women’s susceptibility to breast cancer.

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Soyfood intake in the prevention of breast cancer risk in women: a meta-analysis of observational epidemiological studies.

High intake of soy foods and isoflavones may protect women against the development of breast cancer.

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Plasma isoflavone level and subsequent risk of breast cancer among Japanese women: a nested case-control study from the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study Group.

High intake of diets rich in genistein-containing isoflavones may decrease Japanese women susceptibility to breast cancer.

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Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Low breast cancer risk is associated with high intake of healthy foods.

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Effect of cooking temperature on the formation of heterocyclic amines in fried meat products and pan residues.

Fried meat contains high quantity of carcinogenic and mutagenic heterocyclic amines.

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Raw versus cooked vegetables and cancer risk.

Reduced cancer risk is associated with high intake of raw and cooked vegetables. This research work was carried out to investigate the association between the consumption of raw and cooked vegetables and cancer risk. Researchers reviewed data obtained from 28 studies on the subject. Researchers discovered that high intake of raw and cooked vegetables diminished...

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