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1 minute reading time (154 words)

Allium vegetable intakes and the incidence of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes in adults: a longitudinal follow-up study.

​Adequate intake of allium vegetables may help guard against the development of hypertension, cardiovascular, and chronic kidney diseases.

This study investigated the association between the consumption of allium vegetables and the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes in adults. Researchers studied the dietary habits and estimated the relative risk of developing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes in adult men and women recruited from the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study Cohort.

Researchers found out that a 64%, 32%, and 26% drop in the risk of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension respectively was associated with higher habitual intake of allium vegetables. However, generous consumption of allium vegetables appeared not to be related to type 2 diabetes risk in this study. Data from this study suggest that high dietary ingestion of allium vegetables may be beneficial in the prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular, and chronic kidney diseases.

Research Summary Information

  • 2017
  • Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Momenan AA, Azizi F.
  • Nutrition and Endocrine Research Center, Student Research Committee Nutrition and Endocrine Research Center Prevention of Metabolic Disorders Research Center dEndocrine Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • No, Free full text of study was not found.
  • No. Source of funding disclosure not found
  • No. Potential conflicts disclosure not found
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